Wednesday, March 5, 2008

16-year-old delivers second set of triplets!

A 16-year-old girl from Argentina is now a mother to seven children after giving birth to triplets for the second time.

Pamela, who comes from the remote town of Leones in the central Argentine province of Cordoba, had her first set of triplets at the age of 15, when she was already having a son, whom she gave birth at 14, reports BBC .

Both sets of triplets are all girls and were born prematurely.

Pamela's case has now triggered a debate across Argentina, with the teenager's promiscuity being talked about in the South American country's cafes and bars.

Provincial authorities have supported Pamela's family by donating land and building them a house when the first set of triplets was born.

However, Pamela's mum, who supports her daughter and grandchildren by cleaning houses, said that they would now have to seek more assistance from the government.

According to some Argentines, Pamela needs more advice on contraception.