Saturday, February 14, 2009

Each day's V-Day for Malaysia's 'odd couple'

KUALA LUMPUR: Each day of the last three years has been Valentine's Day for a Malaysian couple — she is aged 106 years while her husband is just 37.

When Muhammad Noor Che Musa and Wok Kundor tied the knot over three years ago, nobody gave their marriage much of a chance.

Now, the couple, who reside in Kampung Tok Bak near Kuala Terrenganu, have surprised many by staying happily married and proving that love conquers all, the New Straits Times said today.

The couple admitted they were not too familiar with Valentine's Day but said if it meant a day for professing love for one another, then every day of the past three years has been Valentine's for them.

Asked how it had all begun, Noor said it was certainly not love at first sight. What started as friendship developed into "something stronger" and eventually led to marriage.